Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Climate change!!!

Hello everyone! As many as you known by now the class I am currently taking has is do blogs about various topics, last week we did on chemical hazards and human health. This week we have to do it on climate change.
Evidence shows that the Earth’s temperature is rising and humans are responsible for most of these recent climate changes. Human activity over the last 150 years or so has increased the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. This started with the industrial revolution when humans started burning much more fossil fuels to produce energy. These greenhouse gases trap energy in the atmosphere causing it to warm. The excess of these gases can lead to a dangerous rise in the Earth’s temperature.
There are many factors that a warmer climate can change. These include our water supply, agriculture, transportation, the Earth’s ecosystems, and the health and safety of humans.
Even though there is so much evidence of global warming, there are still some people who doubt or even deny that it is actually happening. These “doubters” seem to only exist in the United States. These people don’t deny global warming altogether. Instead, they deny that the apparent change in the Earth’s temperature is not caused by human activity but rather, the Earth natural warming and cooling cycles. A lot of the denial is for political reasons. They don’t agree with making the issue a way for people to make money such as selling carbon credits and “environmentally friendly” products like hybrid cars.
The Earth has a long history of climate change. There have seven cycles of glacial advances and retreats in the last 650,000 years. Seven thousand years ago was the end of ice age after that modern climate era began, that includes human civilization. Many of the Earth’s changes are because a very small variation in the orbit has change the amount of solar energy that we receive in our planet.
In fifty years our planet won’t look the same. Many of the wild animals will vanish from this Earth if we continued to treat it the way we are. We need to save our world, we only have one!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. It's very true, we really do need to act to protect our one and only earth. And I too believe that a lot of opposing opinions are backed up from companies who only want money, from whichever way they can receive it. What do you think is the best way to reduce global warming? On a interpersonal, and global term?

    Great post, and nice picture!
