Hello Everyone! again. I am going to be talking about cow’s milk. Although milk has several health benefits, its processing has an impact on the environment.
The milk we buy in stores generally comes from cows on dairy farms that are treated with growth hormones. In order for cows to continue to produce milk, they must be bred. The female offspring is separated from its mother a few days after birth. This way the bond between the mother and calf will not be as strong and therefore be less stress on the calf. This also reduces risk of disease and makes milking the mother easier and sooner. The calves are fed a whole milk substitute based on dried milk powder. This formula is less cost effective than whole milk. The calves are either bred or artificially inseminated when they are over a year old thus, starting the cycle over again.
The milking of cows, processing of the milk, and bottling requires a lot of energy. There is a lot of electricity used not only for milking and processing, but also for refrigeration afterwards. Next is the issue of packaging and the effect is has on the environment. Most milk is packaged in plastic bottles which are not always recycled by the consumers which can have a negative effect on the environment. In the earlier days, milk came in glass bottles which were highly recyclable compared to the plastic bottles of today. The transport of milk across the country requires fuel which adds milk production’s carbon footprint.
Milk is known for the great source of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. Milk is important for bone health. Many nutritionist have recommend milk a part of a healthy balance diet.